Bella Storie | Senior Dancer
From a dancing toddler with maracas and hula skirts to an overcommitted teen preparing for my senior dance, my time at The Ballet Studio has
been amazing. I remember the pile of children's books under the TV in the waiting room, the painted handprints on the studio walls, and picnic
blanket style cupcake parties in the studio on special days after class.
I have been so happy to attend The Ballet Studio for the past 14 years. TBS has helped to grow as a dancer and a person. I have met so many
amazing people. I started Competition with Miss Sherri when I was 10 and I instantly thrived on the excitement of performing in front of large
crowds. I also loved being part of the small groups, duets and solos.
One of my favorite memories is the dress rehearsal at the Nursing Home when I portrayed Donna in the Momma Mia Production. In middle school I was
at The Ballet Studio 5 nights a week, and the best part was being a teacher assistant with Francesca and helping the little dancers learn confidence.
This past year, I have focused more on the combination class, and I am so excited to still have The Ballet Studio in my life. The teachers and
dancers are doing such an amazing job trying to overcome these challenging times. As I continue into college, I will take what I learned from
TBS and apply it to my everyday life. I am inspired to be a lifelong learner and dancer. I hope to continue dancing in college and look forward
to coming back to recitals for years to come.