Danielle Amegashie | Senior Dancer
My first couple of years dancing at the Ballet Studio were usually spent trying to hide in the back of the class scared of
everyone in the room watching me dance. I was always shy especially starting at 5 years old, a little later than the other
girls, I was constantly self conscious when I danced. Throughout the years dancing at the Ballet Studio, I became more
comfortable which enabled me to express myself and become more confident. My favorite part of dancing was always trying
to improve myself and working hard toward the recital which were always amazing experiences. I soon realized that it was
so much easier for me to get up on stage and dance than it was to speak in front of a crowd. This will be my thirteenth
year at the Ballet Studio and I could not imagine dancing anywhere else. The friends I have made, the important life
lessons I have learned and the support from Mrs. Lisa and all the other amazing teachers I have had the privilege of
learning from have all shaped me into who I am today. Dance has taught me respect, self-discipline, teamwork and dedication
which will assist me in any of my future endeavors. The Ballet Studio is one of the only places I have ever held a deep
connection with, it will always be one of my favorite places because of its great sense of community. I honestly could
not imagine my life without dance and I am sure that when it go to college I will join another recreational dance team
and continue on with everything I have learned at the Ballet Studio. After I graduate from Northern Burlington High School,
I plan on going to a 4 year university and studying some form of scientific engineering. Even though it will be bittersweet,
I am looking forward to my last year dancing at the Studio and making it the best it can be!
Zeenat Braimah | Senior Dancer
At a young age, my parents saw that I sang and danced to every movie or tv show that we watched and enjoyed performing for them,
prompting my mom to sign me up for dance. I began my first class on a saturday morning in September 2001 just to try it out.
After my first class with Ms. Tara, I was hooked. I was a quiet child, partially because I began the Friday class (with Ms.Lisa
and Ms.Amber) dancing with girls 1-3 years older than me, and partially because I was just really shy. I spent 7 years just
quietly taking in dance and performing in recital after recital, observing and absorbing. I loved what I did but I felt like
I had plateaued. One year, I noticed that there always seemed to be a big dance at the end of the recital before the finale,
and ooed and ahhed over the novel concepts and whimsical costumes. I wanted to be part of it, so when I was 10 I joined the
competition team with my best friends. I was engulfed in a new world I had never seen before and my eye-catching "Cats"
costume sealed the deal. Being on stage with 71 girls an hour away dressed like a feline warmed my soul and got me on my
journey. After that came: 7 more years, 7 productions, 2 solos, 1 duet, and many teachers that helped me blossom into the
dancer I am today; whether I'm called "Zeyonc", "Z", or just plain Zeenat. I also love the dancers who are now my life
long friends that helped me do so. Dance has opened so many doors for me and allowed me to be more outgoing, make new friends,
and prosper in all my other ventures. It has taught me how to work for what I want and to be sure of myself in everything
from dance to education. After graduating Northern Burlington High School in 2016, I plan to attend a university to pursue
medicine and social sciences. I remember Ms. Lisa telling my class how she was never the most flexible, but she always danced
her heart out anyway, that it doesn't matter if your leg goes up to 90 or 180 degrees, it just matters if you dance from your
soul and you love it. And guess what? I love every second.
Caitlin Herbert | Senior Dancer
I have been dancing at The Ballet Studio since I was 3 years old and I have enjoyed ever year of it. The first dance I ever
learned at TBS was Rockin' Robin taught by Mrs. Tara. When I look back at the pictures and DVD's, it seems like it was only
yesterday. As I reflect upon the last 15 years, I realize that I have made so many great friends and have so many wonderful
memories. I'm grateful for all of the teachers I have gotten the chance to work with and for all that they have taught me.
Dancing at The Ballet Studio has made me an all-around better person. It has taught to be confident in myself and to strive
to reach my goals. I am by nature a very shy person, but when I get on stage I feel a confidence that I do not have in other
areas of my life. I credit my teachers at The Ballet Studio for giving me this confidence. When I first started dance, I never
thought that I would still being doing it until I graduated high school. I can't imagine my life without dancing and I will
continue to dance in some capacity for the rest of my life. After I graduate from Notre Dame High School in the spring of 2016,
I plan to continue my education at a four-year university so that I can work in the orthepedic field. I then plan to become an
Orthopedic Physicians Assistant.
Alicia Saranin | Senior Dancer
I started at the Ballet Studio at the young age of 4 with my best friend Bianca. Ms. Tara was our teacher and we loved the Saturday
morning class. I made new friends throughout the years. I've developed my ballet, pointe and Jazz skills. In 5th grade I joined
the competition team. That was the year of "CATS", we made the Nationals and accompanied the team in a road trip to Virginia!
It was a wonderful exciting experience. My whole family came and we spent the week exploring Williamsburg Virginia with my 2
best friends Bianca and Megan. Life long memories thanks to The Ballet Studio. Through the years I have improved my dance skills
tremendously and have kept in shape through dance and sports. Last year, I was asked to play the special part of "Anna" in the Frozen
assembly. And guess who was "Elsa", yes that's friend Bianca. What a perfect combination, two best friends portraying sisters. It was yet another memorable moment that I will hold very special in my heart.
I put a lot of time and effort into my studies and I hope to move onto college doing something in the medical field. I thank The Ballet
Studio for all the years of love and support!
Gina Schiavone | Senior Dancer
I started dancing at the ballet studio when I was 3 years old. I remember my first day at the studio when my mom brought me to
sign up for my first class. I loved watching the older girls and how happy they looked dancing and I knew I wanted to be like them.
My first class was on Saturdays with Ms Tara and even though I was always very shy I fell instantly in love with dance. Over
the years, dance has taught me so much. Besides learning to dance technically, I learned confidence, creativity, and to always
do what makes you happy. Dancing has also helped me come out of my shell and be more outgoing. I'm so thankful for the entire
staff and all the friends I've made over these last 15 years at TBS. Time really flies by and it's crazy I'm already a senior.
After I graduate from Northern Burlington County Regional High School, I plan to attend a four year university to study to
become a speech language pathologist.